


The Office of 消防安全 is responsible for all aspects of life safety throughout the 大学. 预防活动包括为大学人员提供防火培训, 进行消防和疏散演习, 火灾探测和防护设备的测试, 提供教育项目, 评估材料, 建立防火材料的指导方针.

在每个宿舍, there are several life safety systems in place to make sure our students are as safe as they can be. 请查看以下列表,并注意每个系统的重要性.

We look forward to working with you throughout your college experience here at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.



大学生活 & 消防安全:玛拉·吉布斯的故事




喷水灭火系统可以扑灭火灾,防止火势蔓延. 根据校园消防安全中心, “Automatic fire sprinklers are one of the most effective methods of controlling a fire and protecting the occupants of the building from the smoke and fire.”


遍布整个校园社区, 出口和应急灯是生命安全的一个重要方面. Exit signs point the way to safety and emergency lights allow individuals to see where they are going when the electricity fails.

总之,上述预防措施有助于挽救生命. 然而, maintaining a safe campus requires the cooperation of the entire 大学 community; therefore, the 大学 has established strict fire safety guidelines that all members of the campus community must follow.



  1. 立即离开大楼,走楼梯井,不要坐电梯.
  2. 如果你是楼上行动不便的人, proceed to the stairwell landing on your floor and instruct someone to notify emergency response personnel of your location.
  3. NO personnel will be allowed to re-enter the building without permission of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Campus Police or the Local Fire Department.


Assist any person in immediate danger to safety, if it can be accomplished without risk to yourself.

立即启动大楼火警系统. This will sound the fire alarm bells or horns to evacuate the building and will automatically notify the Campus Police and Local Fire Departments. It is best to have these agencies respond and not be needed than it is to have them arrive too late for a potential rescue.

If the fire is small enough, use a nearby fire extinguisher to control and extinguish the fire. 如有下列情况,请勿灭火:

  • 火势太大或失控.
  • 如果大气是有毒的.
  • 如果第一次灭火没有成功,立即撤离大楼.
  • Doors and, if possible, windows should be closed as the last person leaves a room or area of a lab.
  • 不要使用电梯-使用建筑物的楼梯井.

当他们听到火警声时, 所有在受影响地区的人员应立即撤离大楼.
在疏散大楼时, personnel shall proceed to the designated meeting area (at least 150 feet from the affected building) where the supervisors are responsible for taking a head count and accounting for all personnel.

NO personnel will be allowed to re-enter the building without permission of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Campus Police or the Local Fire Department.



所有宿舍每年至少进行两次消防演习. An announced drill is held early in the Fall semester and an unannounced drill is held during the Spring semester.




  • 电热板/火锅及任何外露加热元件的器具.
  • 乔治福尔曼烧烤(只允许在村庄和霍克十字路口,每个公寓一个。.)
  • 电加热器或空间加热器
  • 卤素灯、火炬灯或熔岩灯
  • 咖啡壶(允许一个,只有自动关闭功能.)
  • 烤面包机(只允许在乡村公寓和霍克十字路口使用)
  • 电煎锅
  • 爆米花(一个只允许在村庄和鹰十字路口)
  • 百花香锅
  • 禁止使用蜡烛加热器(无论是电动的还是非电动的)!)
  • Dishwashers (Except in the Village and Hawk Crossings, where they are provided by the 大学.)
  • 窗户/便携式空调
  • 炉灶
  • 燃烧器/烤架
  • 油炸锅
  • 开式线圈板
  • 电饭煲(只准在村里使用)
  • 所有吸烟材料(包括水烟、电子烟笔和烟草制品)
  • 未经批准的照明(霓虹灯和标志), 卤素灯, 熔岩灯, torchiere灯, 塑料多头章鱼灯)
  • 个人电动汽车(悬浮滑板、电动自行车、电动滑板车等.)不得存放在宿舍或任何大学建筑物内.  请参考 《十大博彩推荐排名》 (3/21/23),供参考.


  • 活的圣诞树和/或花环
  • 万圣节/秋天的玉米秸秆或干草


  • 蜡烛, 香, 油燃烧器, 在所有居住区域内严禁使用蜡烛和蜡烛取暖器. 即使它们只是装饰性的, 根据新泽西州的法律, 消防安全处.
  • 炸药、烟花、M80、瓶装火箭等.
  • 任何及所有枪械, 弹药, BB枪, 彩弹枪, 刀或任何类型的武器, 即使他们被认为是专门用于装饰或收集目的.
  • 汽油和/或任何类型的汽油驱动的项目,如轻便摩托车, 小型摩托车, 摩托车, 便携式发电机, 等.
  • 采购产品煤油,丙烷,油漆稀释剂,油灯.
  • 所有易燃、可燃液体.
  • 煤油加热器.
  • 除房间内提供的家具外,其他未经批准的家具.e. 蒲团、椅子、床垫、床架、课桌、豆袋椅、沙发等.


  • 微波炉-每个学生房间允许使用一台微波炉. 微波炉的功率不得超过700瓦. 公寓小区允许使用较大的微波炉, 但不能超过1,000瓦功率.
  • 冰箱-每个学生房间允许有一台冰箱. 冰箱不能抽超过1根.5安培,不得超过3立方英尺. Mini-fridges are prohibited in the apartment communities since 十大博彩推荐排名州立 provides a full refrigerator.
  • 微型冰箱-每个学生房间允许使用一个微型冰箱. (有关微型冰箱的信息,请联系校园专业 www.mymicrofridge.com 或致电1-800-525-7307.)
  • Power Strips –  Power strips with a built-in GFCI surge protector and circuit breaker are permitted and must be plugged directly into the wall outlet. 这样的电源排不能相互连接或“菊花链”.”

Any and all electrical equipment brought into the residence halls by a resident must bear the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) seal of approval and must be used for the purpose for which it was designed. 不符合标准的项目, 或者违反其他消防安全规定的, 会在学期/学年结束时被没收并归还吗.

Please note that this compilation is not an exhaustive list of the violations for which you may be cited.  欲了解更多信息,请访问 住宿生活办公室.


每个住宅房间都安装了烟雾和热探测器. 当有危险的烟雾或热量存在时, 探测器发送信号到火灾报警控制面板,触发火灾报警. This life safety system lets students know when to evacuate their room/building and ensures that they are quickly relocated to a safe area. 当地的消防部门(十大博彩推荐排名、小瀑布和克利夫顿)对所有火灾警报作出反应.


Sprinklers are an important part of the fire protection system in all 大学 residence halls and many other campus buildings. All older residence halls have now been retrofitted with up-to-date fire alarms and sprinkler systems. 像火灾报警器一样,这些系统也要定期检查. 他们的目的是扑灭大火,防止火势蔓延. 系统内有水流会触发火警. 如有洒水装置漏水,请向消防安全处处长报告 973-655-5401.

这是一些建筑物里很受欢迎的活动, “hall sports” (throwing objects like balls and Frisbees in hallways) can damage fire sprinkler system equipment. 被设计成对温度上升很敏感, 喷头在碰撞时很容易损坏. Likewise, hanging any objects or decorations from sprinkler heads and pipes can also cause damage.

洒水器流出的水会在地毯和其他家具上留下油渍. 由于疏忽造成的所有修理费用都由造成损坏的部门承担. Residential Life is charged with any damage in residence halls–and will attempt to bill the person responsible in order to keep down costs.


请注意:不遵守以下指导方针将导致纪律处分, 这可能需要从宿舍搬走.

  1. 宿舍内禁止吸烟. 这包括走廊、浴室、公共区域以及两者之间的每一寸空间.
  2. 一旦发生火警,学生必须撤离. 未能撤离不仅会导致纪律处分,还会导致生命损失.
  3. 学生不得篡改任何生命安全系统. 解除火警警报, 破坏出口标志和应急灯, 严禁触摸喷水灭火系统.
  4. CERTAIN ITEMS AND ACTIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED in the residence halls due to fire safety regulations. 请参阅J部分. of the Residence License and Dining Services Agreement for a complete list of prohibited and restricted items/actions. 仔细通读整份文件是很重要的.

大家好!. 我写信是想告诉你们发生在我宿舍的事情,因为你们有些人想知道这个故事.

那是凌晨4:30.m. 我正准备睡觉. 我的室友贝基已经睡着了. 火警响了,所以我试着叫醒她, 虽然我们从不出去买,因为我们有很多假的. 我对这个有一种感觉,因为它是出乎意料的. 也, we had a floor meeting a few days before and my RA said that they are gonna check every room to make sure everyone goes out. 我不得不和贝琪打架才走出去. 她说她要躲在壁橱里. 最后,她站了起来,去洗手间换了衣服. When she was in the bathroom she looked outside to see if there were any people outside and she said that there weren’t so she wasn’t going. 所以我扮演妈妈,确保她有外套,手套,鞋子,当然还有. 香烟. 然后我走到对面朋友的房间,使劲敲他们的门, 以为他们已经在外面了,因为我知道他们醒着. 就在我要出门的时候,他们打开了门. 他们在假装睡觉. 然后我斥责了他们,让他们快点,因为这是真的. 然后我去了隔壁,做了同样的事情.

当我们在我那层楼的走廊上准备下楼的时候, 我们开始看到大量的灰色烟雾. 我以为只是某个笨蛋点燃了烟雾弹. 然后我们走下楼梯到三楼(我住在四楼),外面一片漆黑, 我很震惊. 就站在那里,看着它,呼吸着它. 就在那时,贝琪成了我的妈妈. 她对我大喊大叫,让我捂着脸继续走. 烟很重,我感到头晕. 我无法想象自己真的在着火的地方,我可能会晕过去.

最后,我们走到外面,绕着大楼前面走了一圈. 那是最可怕的时候. There were a few girls hanging out of their window screaming for help with a huge cloud of black smoke behind them. 贝基说"我们离开这里吧,不管我们看到什么都会很糟糕". 这里还没有消防车,所以我们不知道他们能坚持多久. 最后一个来了,一大群人跳到它前面,指着女孩们. They were gonna go to the other side of the building and they yelled for anyone to help and a bunch of guys ran to assist them. 最后他们把女孩们带出去. 然后我们就在外面站了几个小时,担心大家是否都没事. 站在那里的时候,我们和一个从三楼窗户跳出来的孩子交谈. 他一瘸一拐的,衣服都破了. 也 kids who got out early enough ran across the street to some man’s house and woke him up and he brought over a ladder which saved dozens of kids.

我在家呆了一个星期,只穿了身上的衣服. 我没有钱,没有执照,没有化妆,什么都没有. 我穿着拖鞋回家了. 讽刺的是,我不得不把所有东西都带到学校,因为我们要搬出我的房子. 我所有的东西都在学校.

现在我刚回到学校,一切都大不一样了. 很多人搬出去了,北边的三、四、五楼是一家酒店. 一切都不一样了. 幸运的是,我的东西都没坏. 我觉得他们把我们的房间打扫了一下. 我把啤酒放在房间里,结果它被藏在了我的床后面,窗户的风扇也坏了.

我只是想让你知道要认真对待火警!!! 即使只是演习, on the news I heard about another alarm in another dorm on campus going off and some girl from Seton Hall said that the fire alarm went off and she looked out the window, 没有看到消防车,所以她回去睡觉了. 很明显,有些人还没有学到,即使在她的校园里发生了一场真正的火灾,导致一些人丧生.

谢谢大家的关心. 这意味着很多. 如果有人问,请随意转发.
