Aerial shot of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学's campus.

Notice to Requestors of 大学 Records

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”), NJSA 47:11 a -1等., hereby provides notice that all 大学 records, other than those identified by OPRA as exempt or as exceptions to disclosure and those protected from disclosure by federal or other State law, will be available for inspection or copying according to the following process:

  1. The Office of the 大学法律顾问 is the 大学 Records Custodian under OPRA and oversees compliance with OPRA. Any public request for records or other information or for answers to any questions concerning the 大学’s administration of OPRA must be directed to that Office during normal business hours at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, 学院大厅228室, 上十大博彩推荐排名, 新泽西07043. 大学的办公时间是早上8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m., Monday through Friday, from the fourth week in August through the last week in May and 8:00 a.m. 到下午5:15.m., 周一至周四, from the first week in June through the third week in August, 不包括假期.
  2. Members of the public requesting 大学 records must submit a completed Public Records Request Form to the 大学 Records Custodian, including a brief but clear description of the records sought. Request forms are available in the Office of the 大学法律顾问 and online. The requestor must sign and date the form.
  3. 在收到请求后, 记录保管人, 根据适用法律, will provide the records as soon as possible. OPRA provides that records are to be made accessible within seven business days, 除非它们在仓库里, 存档, or otherwise cannot be made available within that time. If the records cannot be made available to the requestor on the same day, 记录保管人 will advise the requestor in writing whether the records will be provided in whole or in part and, 如果他们不提供, will state the reasons why the requested records or some part thereof will not be provided.
  4. If 记录保管人 indicates the records will be provided to the requestor, 通知将标明日期, time and location the records will be made available for inspection or the manner and timing according to which the records will be mailed to the requestor. OPRA also permits 记录保管人 and the requestor to discuss and agree upon the timing according to which the 大学 will provide the records to the requestor.
  5. Persons requesting copies of records in accordance with OPRA are responsible for all costs associated with reproducing records. All requests with fees estimated to exceed $25 require payment of a 50% deposit. Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, the fee assessed for the duplication of a government record embodied in the form of printed matter shall be $0.05 per letter size page or smaller, and $0.每个法定大小的页面或更大. If the 大学’s actual costs for duplication of a government record exceeds the foregoing rates, the 大学 may charge the actual cost of duplication. Access to electronic records and non-printed materials will be provided free of charge, but the 大学 may charge for the actual costs of any needed supplies such as computer discs.
  6. In cases where records cannot be reproduced by ordinary document copying equipment in ordinary business size or where extraordinary time and effort are necessary to accommodate a request, OPRA allows a special service charge. The 大学 charge is $45 per hour of professional and administrative services and $15 per hour for clerical processing services.
  7. The requestor has an opportunity under OPRA to review and object to any charges before they are incurred, but payment must be made before a copy of the record is provided to the requestor.
  8. If your request is denied or unfilled within seven business days, or 记录保管人 advises you that your request cannot be filled within that time, you may contact the Custodian to attempt a resolution of any dispute. You also have a statutory right to file an action in Superior Court or, 代替它, in the Government Records Council (GRC), New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (toll free 866-850-0571 or 609-292-6830 or online at / grc to challenge a decision by the 大学 to deny you access to a requested record.
  9. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, the 大学 reserves the right to make changes to its OPRA policies and procedures at any time without prior notice.