


N.J. 统计. 安. § 52:4B-60.1、顺序.


(1) To have any allegation of sexual assault treated seriously; to be treated with dignity and compassion; and to be notified of existing medical, 咨询, 心理健康, 或者其他为性侵犯受害者提供的服务, 犯罪行为是否向执法部门报告;

(2)自由, 在符合新泽西州或美国宪法的范围内, 任何有关受害者应对针对他们的罪行负责的建议,或任何有关受害者有共同过失或承担被攻击风险的建议;


(4)适用时, 免费获得性侵犯应对小组的服务包括:一名合格的法医护士和审查员, 一个秘密的性暴力倡导者, 以及根据司法部长《十大博彩推荐排名》提供的执法人员, 选择加入或退出任何团队的服务;

(5)被告知, 帮助锻炼, the right to be confidentially or anonymously tested for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any other related virus identified as a probable causative agent of AIDS; and to be informed of, 帮助锻炼, 法律可能规定的强迫和披露性侵犯嫌疑人传染病检测结果的任何权利;

(六)有法医证据, 如果收集的, 至少保留5年, 并根据要求接受有关证据状况的信息;


(8)作出合理努力,以受害人能流利使用的语言提供治疗和面谈,并有权获得适当的辅助装置,以照顾受害人可能患有的残疾, 无论是暂时的还是长期的;

(9) To information and assistance in accessing specialized 心理健康 services; protection from further violence; other appropriate community or governmental services, including services provided by the Victims of Crime Compensation Office; and all other assistance available to crime victims under current law;

(10)获悉法院可根据第P条第1条命令通过闭路电视向受害人索取证词的可得性和程序.L.1985, c.126 (C.2A:84A-32.4); and(11) To be apprised of the availability and process by which to seek protections through a temporary or final protective order under the “Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015,” P.L.2015, c.147 (C.2C:14-13等.), 如果受害者认为受害者有再次受害或被加害人进一步伤害的风险.
